Easily Helps Monitor Your Pet's Blood Glucose at Home

Humans, dogs, cats, and horses differ in how glucose is distributed in blood. AlphaTrak 3 is calibrated specifically for dogs, cats, and horses.1,2 It’s the blood glucose monitor veterinarians recommend the most to measure blood sugar levels of diabetic dogs, cats, and horses in their practices.3
Is your pet showing signs of diabetes? Use our checklist to help find out.
The goal of a diabetes treatment plan is to regulate the amount of glucose in your pet’s blood so their body has enough energy to function properly. AlphaTrak 3 makes testing and tracking your pet’s glucose levels a simple experience.
Monitoring at home is a vital part of managing your pet’s blood glucose. AlphaTrak makes testing, tracking, and sharing your pet’s data with your vet a simpler experience. Giving pet parents the peace of mind that they are doing their part to help their pet live an active, happy life.